Saturday, June 21, 2008


We've lived at Bonneville Seabase for a year now. 

Seabase is an inland ocean, a warm salt spring dive facility in the middle of the desert.

It is complete with large tropical fish,

a couple of 8 ft. nurse sharks, 
and a school of 3-4 ft. Skip Jacks.
A very unusual and unique place.

We have loved it here. Seems a shame to be "moving", however we may not be gone forever. Seabase is one place we love dearly, and may even end up as one of our "regular" spots to park the RV. We all love the water and the fish. George and Linda (the owners) aren't so bad either. ;-) Tell them we sent ya. 

Sagan did her Dive Experience today.

 It was her birthday present (Dec. 22) but funny enough, it took us a half a year to make it happen. Such is the way. It certainly didn't take away from the excitement.

She went with Dakota, Linda's granddaughter.
Dakota has become her close friend in the year we have been here. Two wild girls running amok. Sounds like fun to me!

Mark got his dive certification last October.

 I was pregnant at the time and scuba is a no-no for pregnant women, so... I'm SOL until we get the $$ together again for it.  

Sagan and I would like to certify together, now that she's old enough. I am lucky enough to have experienced diving at least. Maybe someday we will be able to dive together. 

We should be moving the rest of our stuff out of our house today. We really don't have THAT much stuff left to move. We will be gone soon enough. In fact, we will be officially "homeless" in two days time. Besides, diving seemed more fun. ;-)

1 comment:

Fabián Fucci said...

Nice pics, those of the fish.